Southfields Therapy Counselling with Beryll Camplin in South West London


In accordance with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), I would like to reiterate my commitment to complete confidentiality and to protecting the personal information entrusted to me by my clients.

The content of our counselling sessions is confidential between us and I will never share information about or work with anyone else except in the following cases:

I receive regular supervision to ensure I work ethically and safely with your best interests in mind. I will therefore need to discuss our work with my supervisor, who is herself a qualified counsellor, without divulging any of your personal details.
If asked to share your data with a GP, Consultant Psychiatrist or provide a Safeguarding Report, I will always ask for your consent and would make every effort to do this with your full knowledge and agreement. There may be exceptional circumstances where this is not possible and these are:

      Where there is a risk to yourself or others (eg. Child Protection Act 2004)

      The Prevention of Terrorism Act

    If I am sub-poenaed or sum mind as a witness in a Court of Law

Client records
I keep brief handwritten notes of our sessions. These are for my professional use only, purely to help me in my work with you and there is no way you can be identified from them. These notes are kept separately from other data, securely stored, and are kept for one year after the counselling has finished. They are then destroyed.

Electronic data
I hold email addresses and phone numbers electronically - phone numbers identified by initials only - and when I contact you by email or text I do this with your consent.
I never share my contacts list.

I hope this information explains how I protect your personal data. Should you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via the Website - by phone or email.

Thank you.

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